The AirBolt GPS has a temperature sensor built in however, it is turned off by default. To turn it on and set up alerts please see the details below.
There are multiple settings you can manage. These are outlined below.
Turning on temperature alerts and optimising the settings:
Via the App:
1. Select your device, click on more settings
2. Then click "Alerts and Reports".
Simple Temperature reporting:
3. Go to Reports and in Schedule ensure Temperature (Temp) is also selected along with the others.
This will report temperature along with your location reports as per your selected schedule.
Temperature Alerts:
To set up alerts:
4. Scroll down to the Temperature heading and toggle enable to on.
5. You will then get the following settings show up.
5. You can experiment with these settings to find the best balance for what you need. A summary of the meaning of each is provided below - after the section about the portal.
Via the Portal:
1. Login to your account on the portal at
2. Choose your device and click the "..." button
3. Select Alerts & Reports
Simple Temperature reporting:
4. Go to Reports and in Schedule ensure Temperature (Temp) is also selected along with the others.
This will report temperature along with your location reports as per your selected schedule.
Temperature Alerts:
To set up alerts:
5. Scroll down to the Temperature heading and toggle enable to on.
Temperature Alert Settings:
Temperature Alert Settings:
You can select whether you want it to report in Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Send Location:
Turn this on if you want to also get location along with your temperature alerts.
Temperature Alert Settings:
This is where you set up how and when you are alerted. For example you can be alerted when temperature is greater than & equal to or is less than and equal to, the one you set. Once it is, it will be reported on your app/ portal or if you have set up email/push notifications they will come through accordingly.
IMPORTANT: The Temperature sensor can provide "good-to-know" information. It is not a replacement for due care or for critical situations.