There maybe many reasons you would like to give access to your AirBolt to someone else. To do this, you must share access to your paired AirBolt via the app. The user requesting access, cannot simply walk up to it and pair with it. This is done for security reasons.

So, how do you share your AirBolt?

1. Ensure you login to your app

2. Visit the AirBolt you wish to share

3. Click Sharing

4. Here you will see and manage all your shared AirBolts.

 5. Click the "+" button to set up a new Share

 6. You will then see the following page

7. Here you can name your share, enter the email address of the person you are sharing it with and then select your Share Preferences. These are detailed below.



You have two choices with the level of security you can set for your shared user.

1. High - The user must be connected to the internet when unlocking the AirBolt. This ensures that their access is always current and you can track their usage of the AirBolt almost as they access it.

2. Normal - The user is not required to have an internet connection when unlocking the AirBolt.


The privileges govern both the time and level of access a user is given access to your AirBolt for. You have three levels to choose from. These are

1. Limited: The shared user only has access until the date and time you set. They cannot manage other users.

2. Unrestricted: The user has unlimited access but cannot manage other users.

3. Owner: The shared user has full access allowing them to manage other users (Warning: this includes other Shared Owners).

                NOTE: The first user ever to pair the AirBolt is considered the Primary/Super Owner. Your access cannot not be managed by a Shared Owner, so don't worry about being locked out!


8. Once you have filled out the required and selected your security + privileges, click share.

9. The user will get an email with the relevant instructions to begin using the AirBolt.

    -Note: in some cases the acceptance link may be blocked by your email client/browser. In this case, just check your browser security settings to allow it to display or if using an email client, click to "view email in browser".

10. All done !


To manage a shared user, simply head to share settings again to view the list of all shared users. From here, you can revoke the users access or click the share and change their security and privilege settings.